Funeral Services
Hilton's Funeral Directors offer a full scale of charges to meet every need and circumstance. After an initial meeting to discuss the required services (and before the arrangements are placed in hand), a written estimate is given in accordance with the SAIF code of practice. In cases of hardship, a concessionary service is available.

The services offered by Hilton’s Funeral Directors do not end after the funeral.
Help with payment.
Specific individuals are eligible for a Funeral Payment from the Social Fund if they do not have enough money to pay for the funeral. This is intended for those on low income who have little or no savings and who are already receiving either income support, family credit or housing benefit.
Naturally, any money left by the deceased is taken into account and this regulated payment only covers essential items. A claim form can be obtained from Job Centre Plus offices or ourselves and this should be submitted promptly to the Department of Work & Pensions, together with our written estimate.